StorONE is radically revolutionizing expectations for performance, results, functionality, ease, and affordability in data storage with a new type of software-defined storage (SDS).
In today’s data-intensive environment, analytics are a major enterprise focus; in other words, the main challenge is figuring out what to do with all the data you’ve gathered. It’s a crucial issue to resolve, but without a reliable foundation of effective, long-term data storage, you’ll never succeed. After all, without a place to put the data, you can’t examine it.
Accordingly, StorONE offers solutions to the current largest issues in data storage. These difficulties include ransomware protection, high storage costs, data accessibility in the case of a disaster that disrupts operations, and data protection from any potential changes to stored data.
Storage hardware is able to keep you ahead of these new challenges, but the storage software is lacking. Networking bandwidth has expanded from 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) to 200GbE, and input/output operations per second (IOPS) performance per drive has increased from 20K IOPS to over 800K IOPS in the last ten years, which has led to tremendous breakthroughs in the storage business. Drive densities have increased from four terabytes (TB) to over 30TBs.
With the release of PCIe Gen 4, the trend has continued since 2021 and the maximum bandwidth will increase by more than 24GBs. More performance, capacity, and better data protection should be provided by a modern storage system while taking up less room and costing less money. But nothing is taking place! Why? These days, the storage industry is being held back by storage software, which is like a ball and chain.
StorONE, which has received more than 50 patents in its first seven years of intense technical development, is fundamentally altering how storage is viewed by organizations, moving it away from being seen as an IT cost center and toward becoming a resource that gives them crucial competitive advantages.
As data storage paradigms change today and, in the future, StorONE’s Storage Engine can help your business cut storage expenses. The highly effective Storage Engine can increase the value and data resilience of otherwise standard storage features including snapshots, drive failure protection, High-availability (HA) storage, data integrity, data security, and disaster recovery readiness.
By offering an efficient storage engine that enables you to utilize the full capabilities (performance and capacity) of your storage hardware, StorONE provides better storage by considerably lowering storage total cost of ownership (TCO) for any storage use case. The StorONE Engine offers uncompromised data safety while supporting all protocols and use cases, simplifying the entire storage infrastructure.
Enterprise-class storage software from StorONE offers complete functionality, exceptional performance, and unrivaled data reliability. delivering unmatched data resilience features that shield users against ransomware, human error/mistakes, fires, and floods; successfully stopping any data loss. The technology guarantees data storage efficiency by requiring less hardware to complete the same work than its rivals.
“What we’ve done is to create a very efficient storage software program that takes full advantage of all the hardware innovation but doesn’t force the customer to use any particular hardware. The term we use is “hardware abstraction”. So, you can use whatever hardware makes the most sense for you at that moment in time for that use case,” George A Crump – Chief Product Strategist, StorONE, said in an interview.
“Typically, customers will find that the cost of our solution, even though it’s more resilient and performs better, is somewhere between 50 to 60 percent less expensive than what they’re currently buying.
“We just rewrote the way I/O works to be very, very efficient. We made sure its data has multiple layers of resiliency to protect against all different types of threats, including ransomware or malicious behaviors. Because we can deliver better performance and reliability with less hardware, we can significantly drive down the cost of storage,” Mr. Crump – Chief Product Strategist, StorONE mentioned.
The fundamental difference here is that StorONE collapsed a whole stack of complex layers that are in the usual storage software into a single layer. This ensures that the user’s application has almost direct access to the media, which guarantees about 80 percent of the manufacturer’s rated performance of the drive and 90 percent of its available capacity.
“So not only do we need fewer drives, but we can also use those drives to their full potential. And so, you get this cumulative effect. That signficanlty drives down the cost of storage,” the Chief Product Strategist, StorONE said.
Other systems in the industry offer can only deliver about 10 to 15 percent of the performance of the drive’s hardware-rated performance, and they can only use about 50 percent of the capacity of those drives. For instance, if you bought twenty-five, 20TB drives, you’d only be able to use 250TB to 300TB of the potential 500TB of capacity before experiencing a significant drop in performance.
Jacques Blinbaum – Chief Executive – Africa, StorONE said, “the one thing we’re seeing is that the hardware in many of the data centres in Africa are reaching their end of life. This presents a major challenge. While there is a real need to process and protect data there are competing chaalleges posed by the difficulty in accessing the capital needed to build the needed facilities. So, what happens is everybody’s recognizing that the data has to be protected.
Therefore, one has to maximize every Ghana Cedi is spent was spent to achieve the force maximum benefit.”
“The biggest challenge we have with that is getting the market to understand that this different approach is the best approach. And what we have to do is to really take baby steps with these new customers, so that they come on board with a small project commitment, and then once they feel comfortable with the commitment, then they embrace it fully and add on.”
StorONE is being used by many U.S. companies in the field of finance, media, government, and education. NASA, the U.S. space agency, uses StorONE to manage storage of its images from their space telescopes.